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Services for DJs 

We understand the unique challenges faced by DJs in this highly competitive market. That's why we offer a comprehensive range of services tailored to meet your specific needs. Whether you're an aspiring artist seeking guidance or an established DJ looking to expand your reach, our industry experts are equipped to support you every step of the way or help with individual accounts where support is needed. 

DJ Invoicing Collecting payment

Invoicing & Collecting

In this industry, payment can sometimes get tricky. We assist you with your clients who need specific attention. As well as keeping track of your entire workload.

Our bulletproof accounting system includes a streamlined tax process with one simple 1099 at the end of the year.

Content Creation for DJs

Content Creation

No time to make your next artwork? Need to schedule a videographer for your next gig? Or just want some new press shots for an EPK.  We collaborate with our ecosystem of creators in order to elevate your brand for your specific needs. 

DJ Rockwell Calendar

Client Maintenance

We provide the persistent presence needed in order to keep your brand relevant with clients and bookers. We utilize a strong line of communication in order to maximize artist bookings at current or future gigs.

Marketing DJs

Marketing & Sales

Getting your brand exposed to the right audience is essential.  We identify, create, and grow marketing campaigns or targeted ads to maximize exposure to potential talent buyers, bookers, and new markets.


Rockwell Bookings

Booking Outreach

Sometimes reaching out to new or potential clients can be tedious and awkward. Rockwell provides an extensive outreach service by using our expertise to make sure the artist gets booked properly and smoothly.

DJ tour managing

Advancing Shows

Our expert team knows the right questions to ask to assure that we have all the information needed for success. We can handle all your logistics, travel, and touring itineraries. 

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